Friday, March 1, 2013

Doing my own thing

So, it's been a while since I did any blogging.  Even then, the blog was work related and whilst it was fun... when I stopped after a year there wasn't a single question or comment.  Go figure.

This time round, it's my own thing.  Some of you will know that for a few years now I've been trying to figure out how to use my camera.  I think at last I'm getting there.  I'm just starting my second year of study at SIT doing a Diploma in Digital Photography.  Each week we get a photo assignment to do but typically we only get to send one or two in for comment.  I thought I'd share a few via a blog and see how that goes...

So here's this weeks effort.  After dropping Nat off at work at 7:00, I went up the Saddle Road.  The cloud was spilling in from the Tararua side and the wind farm was in the clouds.  The theme for this week was landscape.

I took shots from a whole bunch of angles but found that this general area was best.  Believe it or not I actually got wet!!!  No rain for weeks (and still none in Palmy) so this was a real treat.

The noise of the big turbines was like being on a ship.  Obvious background wooshing.

Up on the lookout car park the turbines would occasionally make a big twanging noise, like steel cables being plucked inside the column.  Made me think twice about where I parked!

 Quite like the monochrome look too... makes it a bit moodier I think.

 Saw these guys working flat out on the way home.  They had a pretty good rhythm going.  I just shot from the main road but as I left gave them a wave... a wave back is a good sign.  It's such a little thing to do but I felt pleased that I'd acknowledged them.  Thanks guys.

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